Stop Smoking

Imagine what it would feel like if you could stop smoking and no longer be controlled by cigarette cravings. Discover how hypnotherapy could help you to become a non smoker again.

Stop Smoking Programme

I offer a Stop Smoking Programme which includes:

Are you ready to become a non smoker again?

Stop Smoking

Nobody is born a smoker. Smoking is something that people choose to do for a variety of reasons. Perhaps it was peer pressure when you were younger. Maybe you smoked that first cigarette out of curiosity, boredom or a desire to appear more ‘grown up’. The thought of having to stop doing something that we perhaps enjoy, is not one that many of us look forward to. However, you are not actually giving anything up. All you are doing, is returning to being a non smoker again; something that you’re already familiar with and the state that your body is naturally designed for.

How can hypnosis help?

Do you want to stop smoking, but are finding it difficult to have that last cigarette? Perhaps you’ve already tried nicotine patches, e-cigarettes, Champix, Zyban or your local NHS stop smoking service? Most people are aware of the addiction to nicotine and other health issues that smoking can cause, but there are often hidden fears about stopping smoking too; fears about putting on weight, what other people will think and how you will cope. Hypnotherapy can help you to address these issues and when combined with your willpower, could help you to stop smoking.

About the Stop Smoking Programme

Before your stop smoking hypnotherapy session, I will ask you to complete an information form and then during your session, we will go through your answers and identify any problems or beliefs that may be preventing you from becoming a non smoker again. You’ll receive an information pack before your session containing further information about stopping smoking, along with hints and tips to help you deal with any cigarette cravings. Following your session, you will also receive a Remain a Non Smoker audio download to listen to and this is designed to help you reinforce your commitment to remaining a non smoker.

Is it guaranteed to work?

There are a variety of factors which can determine the outcome of smoking cessation therapy, including your situation and the level of rapport with your therapist. However, the most important factors are your motivation, determination and participation. To be successful, you will need to make positive changes to your lifestyle and be committed to stopping smoking. Hypnotherapy has a good track record in helping people to quit smoking, with changes often being noticed within a few days or even hours of the stop smoking session. However, the key to success is you, so you need to play your part too.

experience hypnosis

Free hypnosis audio

Check out my 10 minute deep relaxation hypnosis audio. Make yourself comfortable, make sure you’re not doing anything that requires concentration and relax…

What clients say

Frequently Asked Questions

The programme includes an information pack containing hints and tips to help you beat cravings, along with some exercises to complete before your stop smoking session. When you book your session, you will receive the information pack via email, along with a form to complete.

Following your stop smoking hypnotherapy session, you will receive a Remain a Non Smoker audio download to listen to every day for at least three weeks. After this, you may listen to the download as often as you like.

The stop smoking hypnotherapy session takes around 90 minutes to 2 hours.

During your stop smoking session, we will go through the answers you have provided on the information form and identify any problems or limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from stopping smoking. We will also talk about any previous attempts to stop smoking, along with your reason(s) and motivation for becoming a non smoker again. Following this, we will then proceed to the hypnotherapy part of the session, where a variety of hypnotherapy and talking therapy techniques may be used to help you leave cigarettes behind and look forward to your future as a non smoker again.

At the end of the session, we will go through some of the things that you can do to help yourself remain a non smoker. I will also explain how to use the Remain a Non Smoker audio download.

The cost for the Stop Smoking Programme is £250 per person. A deposit of £40 is payable within 48 hours of booking your stop smoking session, with the balance of £210 being payable at your session.

The more you repeat something, the stronger it becomes. By listening to an audio download which is designed to work in conjunction with the stop smoking session, you’ll have the benefit of a hypnotherapy session at home.

When you decide to become a non smoker again, it’s about changing an old unwanted habit and replacing it with a new, healthier one. It usually takes at least 21 days to form a new habit, therefore the audio download is designed to reinforce the suggestions from your stop smoking session and boost your motivation, whilst you form your new non smoker habit.

It’s a common misconception that a Hypnotherapist will ‘put’ you into a hypnotic trance and then ‘make’ you stop smoking. Hypnosis is not a magic pill; you cannot be forced to do something that you do not want to do – even in hypnosis. Hypnotherapy also requires your motivation and participation in order to stand the best chance of success.

Whilst it is unethical to offer any guarantee of success (for more information, please see the FAQs page), in my experience, the majority of clients I’ve worked with to help them stop smoking have been successful and have remained a non smoker following the programme. In the small number of cases where clients have continued to smoke, it has been due to one of the following reasons:

  1. They were not fully ready to participate in the process or were not genuinely ready to make a change.
  2. They didn’t want to stop smoking for themselves, but were actually doing it for someone else (e.g. because their partner or doctor told them to).
  3. There were hidden ‘secondary gains’ which meant that there was an unintended benefit from continuing to smoke (e.g. the client believed that smoking was beneficial because it helped them to relax).
  4. The client was looking for a ‘quick fix’. They didn’t follow the programme instructions, didn’t listen to the audio download following the session and/or didn’t complete the exercises in the information pack.

Should you require further sessions following completion of the Stop Smoking Programme, these are charged at the standard session rate of £80 per session.

Book a free consultation

If you have any questions or are unsure whether therapy is right for you, I offer a free 20 minute online initial consultation via Zoom.

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